30 Easy Spring Cleaning Tips – Deep Clean Your Home

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As the cold winter days turn into spring with warmer weather and budding flowers in its wake, it means that it’s that time of the year to open up the windows and clean our houses from top to bottom to refresh our homes. Whether it is a big house or a small apartment, every home needs thorough cleaning regularly. The great thing you need to know is that there are many benefits of spring cleaning. 


The Many Benefits Of Spring Cleaning

When your home is closed off and insulated during winter, dust settles around the house, causing the air to stagnate, affecting your respiratory health. Clearing dust from your house is doing your lungs a huge favour and helps you avoid allergy symptoms, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI). Spring cleaning improves the quality of air in your home, therefore improving the overall quality of life. 

That lamp that has been broken for over a year but just sits in your living room gathering dust? Fix it. That old carpet that is tattered? Get rid of it! Spring cleaning is the perfect time to notice and get rid of clutter. 


De-stress and Improve Your Mood

Making an effort to declutter and organise your home improves your mood and allows you to concentrate better, freeing up the brain for more important decision-making. Spring cleaning lets you view your home in a new light and find new ways to make it better. 

Studies have shown that cleaning gives a sense of satisfaction which can relieve bad moods. There are people who stress clean and it puts them in a good mood reducing their stress levels. Some even claim it is therapeutic! While cleaning you can put on some music to make it fun and maybe bust some moves too! 

What can be more satisfying than getting rid of the oven door stains and cleaning the smudges off window glass to celebrate the start of a new season? However, a thorough and complete spring clean takes time and is a lot of work. These spring cleaning tips will help make this year’s deep clean your most effective yet and get your house sparkling in no time. 


Tips For Spring Cleaning

1. Create a Cleaning Schedule

Spring cleaning is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Creating a schedule would allow you pace yourself while spring cleaning. Taking on too much at once may leave you feeling exhausted and discouraged or even make you abandon the project altogether. You could set the cleaning schedule for 1 hour after work for a week, cleaning in small amounts or setting aside particular tasks per day, taking breaks between tasks. This would prevent burnout and fatigue. 

2. Get New Cleaning Supplies 

What’s a workman without his tools, right? Lack of good cleaning supplies is one of the reasons spring cleaning may seem like an impossible task. Equipping yourself with cleaning agents, supplies and tools can make spring cleaning easier, faster and even enjoyable. It is important to choose products with little to no amounts of fragrances, irritants and flammable ingredients. 


3. Clean from Top to Bottom

When spring cleaning it is important to work your way down from the ceiling. Clear out the cobwebs and dust the fans. This will force the dust and dirt down and prevent you from re-dusting or re-cleaning your space. Always leave the floors until the end. It will save time.

4. Wipe Down Mirrors with Old Cotton T-shirts

When sorting out your wardrobe, set aside Old T-shirts, preferably cotton, as they give mirrors a lint- and streak- free clean. Mix some water with white vinegar, and a few drops of oil for a chemical-free clean. Shake, spritz and wipe your mirrors dry. 


5. Disinfect Your Knife Blocks 

While it is important to prevent the growth of micro-organisms within your knife block by thoroughly cleaning and drying your knife before placing them back in their storage, it is best to do a more intensive cleaning once a year. For a deeper clean, immerse the block in one gallon of water with one tablespoon of bleach. Let it soak for about 2 minutes in the disinfecting liquid then turn it over onto a dry towel to air dry. 

6. Get Rid of Calcium Buildup

With hard water comes calcium buildup in dishwashers and kettles. But one sure way to keep these appliances looking fresh is to run a hot cycle of cups of dilute white vinegar through your dishwasher and boiling the same mixture (equal parts of water and white vinegar) then letting it sit for a few hours. Throw away the mixture and clean as usual with mild soap. This should leave your appliances sparkling and make them last longer. 

7. Clean Your Ceiling Fans 

Clearing all that debris on the blades of your ceiling fan is a very horrible and daunting job. Between protecting your eyes and the extra work that comes with cleaning the floor, you just want to skip that part of spring cleaning. Let me share with you the easiest way to clean them.

Before you get started, protect the floor area by placing old cloths or a big plastic sheet on the floor. Cover as much area as you can, preferably twice the length of the ceiling fan’s blades. Get an old pillowcase to cover the blades, dragging it along its length towards you, trapping all the debris in the pillowcase. Proceed to dust and clean the fan. When done, pick up the drop cloth to shake outside, then launder. 


8. Clean Windows on a Cloudy Day 

For gleaming results, it’s best to clean your windows on a shady day. With the sunshine comes warm windows which will cause the cleaning solution to streak. Always use a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth to leave no stain or smudge behind. And to reduce using elbow grease, let the glass surface sit in cleaning solution for a few minutes to break down debris and dirt. 

An old toothbrush works wonders in reaching those difficult crevices and corners where buildup has occurred. 


9. Clean Your Air 

Freshen up your home by opening up your windows and letting in fresh air. Let out the stagnant air that has filled your home all winter for a few hours to improve the quality of air in your home. Swap out those old and dirty filters for new ones and clean your air conditioner ducts. Also invest in an air purifier as this is the best way to ensure clean and healthy spring air free of dust, allergens and chemicals. 


10. Declutter 

Decluttering is one of the pillars spring cleaning rests heavily on. Clear out your back closets and organise your space, look through that bottom drawer that you throw things into. Sort them into piles, give away old clothes, recycle or ultimately, throw them away. Declutter your makeup cabinet. Throw away expired makeup, hair and skin care products, especially if they have not been used for more than a year. Let things go, you don’t need them. You’ll be surprised how good you feel after removing clutter from your home. 


11. Steam Clean Your Furniture 

Household furniture such as couches are exposed to heat, sweat and shed skin over time making them a breeding ground for dust mites. Instead of using cleaning supplies that may expose you to chemicals and toxins, using a hot steamer will get the job done in an environment-friendly way. Steam cleaners use only hot water so they are 100% chemical-free and effective.

12. Clean Out Your Fridge 

Food-borne illnesses are most likely to occur due to the bacteria growing in fridges so throw out old or expired food and give your fridge a good soap down get rid of germs. 

To get a thorough clean:

  1. Start on the inside.
  2. With warm, soapy water, wash the removable bits from the fridge like trays, bins and shelves.
  3. Wash the interior with a clean soapy cloth or if you’re going for sanitisation, you can add a bit of bleach to the soapy mixture. 

For difficult stains, mix baking soda and water to get a thick paste and apply over the stains. Don’t forget to wipe down the exterior, including door seals and handles, with soapy water. 


13. Give the Toaster Some Love 

Wiping the exterior of the toaster is not clean enough. To properly clean out the toaster, you need to get out the crumb tray from the bottom of the toaster and give it a thorough wash. Make sure your appliance is unplugged before cleaning the inside with a small amount of soapy water and a toothbrush to reach difficult spots. Dry completely before plugging it in again. 


14. Protect Your Wood Floors 

Contrary to the belief that you should mop your wooden floors often, it could ruin your floors quickly. Wet-cleaning should occur once every one to two months and spot-clean when necessary. Also, make sure to place saucers under household plants to avoid water damage.


15. Wash Your Washing Machine 

Keep your washing machine fresh and functioning properly by disinfecting it. Nobody wants to wash their clothes in a smelly washer. Run a cycle with hot water, then add the cleaning agents(white vinegar and baking soda) and let it sit for half an hour to one hour. Then, restart your machine and after the water drains, wipe it dry. 


16. Organise Your Closet

Get rid of hardly worn clothes and accessories, then organise the rest in a structure that is appealing and functional. Your organised closet should save you time in the morning while getting dressed for work, not have you searching frantically for an item. 


17. Take Care of Your Broom 

Dust your brooms to get rid of annoying cling-ons, then swish it in warm soapy water as needed to get rid of dust mites. 


18. Cutting Board Stains 

Get rid of food stains and smell from your cutting boards by sprinkling with baking soda or salt then running the cut side of a lemon over the board. 


19. Clean Out Your Oven 

Place a hot, wet cloth on the caked-on burnt food and grime to soften it. Then, scrub away with baking powder and a heavy-duty pad. Rinse off and dry. 


20. Bedding 

Spring cleaning is the best time to pay attention to bulky items like pillows and comforters. They only need to be cleaned about two or three times a year, unlike pillowcases and bed sheets that should be cleaned every two to three weeks. Make sure to check the manufacturer’s label before putting them in the washing machine.


21. Wash Out The Trash Can 

It’s not enough to just dump rubbish in the bin; clean it inside out. Germs may form breeding sites in bins when it goes unwashed for a long period. You can use home-made cleaning mixtures to disinfect and get rid of bad smells. Mix one cup of white vinegar with two tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and generous amounts of your favourite essential oil. Dip a soft microfiber cloth in the mixture to clean the can. Pay attention to the crevices especially the hinges for the lid and foot pedal. Use a toothbrush to clean hard to reach corners. 


22. Shower Curtains

You don’t want grime growing on your shower curtains so stick your plastic or vinyl curtains in the wash along with some bath towels. Let it dry as it hangs before taking a shower. You can always spritz the curtains every week with a bleach-containing cleaner and let the shower rinse it off. 


23. Keep Your Drains Clog-free 

To keep your kitchen and bathroom drains from clogging up, pour a cup of white distilled vinegar down them every fortnight. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then run cold water to flush it down. 


24. Throw Pillows in the Dryer 

Decorative pillows can be breeding sites for dust mites, especially the ones that are used behind your back or neck. Place them in the dryer or under the hot sun to kill dust mites and their eggs. 


25. Get Rid of Musty Mildew Smells 

 As you swap out your winter jackets for spring clothing, the clothes that have sat in your closet for months may have a musty smell. A natural solution for these smells is a mix of one spoon of tea tree oil with one cup of water. Pour in a bottle and spray on the clothes then let it dry before laundering them. 


26. Take Care of Your Mattress 

Flip over your mattress to prevent indentations and make your bed last longer. Indentations cause sagging which affects the life of the mattress. Get rid of odd smells by sprinkling baking soda over the mattress and letting it sit for half an hour. Get the remaining baking soda off the mattress by vacuuming.


27. Clean Your Doormats 

Dust out your doormats and vacuum both sides. It’s better to use two mats, one inside and the other outside, to trap more dirt. 


28. Make Your Stainless Steel Appliances Sparkle

Be it your refrigerator or your stove’s surface, this solution would get your stainless steel surfaces sparkling. Mix one tablespoon of dishwashers liquid with a cup of hot tap water. Use a microfiber cloth to rub the solution onto the surface in small sections, going with the grain. Rinse with warm water and dry immediately with a clean, dry cloth. 


29. Organise your bookshelf

Give your bookshelf a makeover by organising the books artfully. You can co-ordinate them by colour or line some books vertically and others horizontally. You can also purchase bookshelf ornaments to fill in spaces between books. Also, you should dust the shelves before putting anything in its place. 


30. Disinfect your devices 

Devices, especially mobile phones, carry a lot of germs (Studies say even more than a toilet seat!). Give your electronic devices (phones, TV remote, laptops) a much-needed wipe down with a microfiber cloth followed by an antibacterial wipe to disinfect it. Let it air dry for about 5 minutes, then wipe it dry with a paper towel. 


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