How To Sanitise Carpet Without Steam Cleaner

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Need to sanitise your carpet but don’t have a steam cleaner to hand?
Here’s a quick cleaning solution you can make at home to sanitise and clean your carpets without a steam cleaner. Spray onto the carpet, leave for a few minutes and then scrub the area with a brush. Dab any excess liquid with a cloth or sponge once you are done to ensure that nothing is left behind.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 Tablespoons Washing up liquid (or laundry detergent)
  • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 15 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar
  • 1/4 cup of hot water
  • An empty spray bottle and funnel
  • Baking soda
  • Clean cloths
  • 1-gallon empty spray bottle

Step 1: Get The Ingredients Ready

Gather your ingredients and equipment. You can use any baking soda for this recipe, but using one that is scented (such as lemon or cinnamon) will give your carpets a pleasant smell.

Step 2: Make a Mixture

Grab a 1/4 cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup of water, two tablespoons of washing up liquid (or laundry detergent) and a 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide (also called H202). You may also add 15 drops of tea tree oil which is a natural disinfectant and Deodoriser. Combine all ingredients in a clean 1-gallon container and mix well with a long-handled spoon or stick blender. Once everything is mixed, use the funnel to pour this into your spray bottle.

Step 3: Apply the Cleaner

When you’re ready to clean your carpet, lightly mist it with water and then pick up any larger debris such as lint, thread, etc. Shake the bottle well before using, and then spray a generous amount of the cleaning mixture that we made onto your carpet. Make sure you do not pour the cleaner directly onto the carpet as this may cause unwanted streaking. Instead, use a spray bottle to apply your solution.

Step 4: Wait for Five Minutes

After applying the cleaner to your carpet, wait about five minutes for it to penetrate before you use your brush or towel to scrub the area. This is where you will notice the difference between homemade cleaning solutions and store-bought ones because some of them can streak on carpets if not removed quickly enough.

Allow five minutes for your cleaner to do its work before removing it with a mop or towel. If there are any dried stains, you need to scrub first, wet the area with some water first, then sprinkle baking soda. Use your brush or towel to rub the baking soda into the carpet fibres until the stain lifts.

Step 5: Remove Excess Liquid

Next, use the wet function of your vacuum cleaner to suck up any excess liquid from the carpet. If you don’t have a wet vacuum option then make sure to have your windows open to allow the carpet to dry quicker and go onto the next step.

Step 6: Mop Wet Areas

Once the excess liquid is removed from your carpet, mop up any wet areas with towels or a sponge mop. Allow your carpet to dry for at least an hour before walking on it or letting your pets near.

Step 7: Rinse the Area

Once the mess has been cleaned up, rinse all of the solutions from your carpet using cold water. Use a wet or dry vac if you have one. Make sure you rinse the area twice and be sure to extract as much moisture as you can. Moisture left in your carpet for any time will promote mould growth and cause a musty smell that is very hard to remove.

Step 8: Deodorise to Eliminate Odours

Once this step is done, you may want to consider using a deodoriser such as Febreze or Resolve Carpet cleaner. These are made to “freshen” up rather than eliminate the odour. The goal here is to get rid of the bacteria which causes the odours in your carpet.

After your carpet is dry, walk across it a few times to re-distribute the fibre fillings inside. This will help keep it from looking patchy.

Step 9: Brush Your Carpet

If you have an area rug, be sure to clean the underside and the top side by using a handheld or fan nozzle vacuum cleaner. Remove any large clumps of soil that may have accumulated on the bottom and then brush/beat your carpet until it is fluffy again. This helps restore the quality of your carpet by getting rid of the “bouncy” feel that dirt can give it.

Final Step

After you have brushed your carpet, you may also want to give it another good vacuuming. This will help remove any loose soil that may still be in your rug and prevent further matting in the future. For rugs with tassels, be sure to use long bristled upholstery attachments to avoid pulling or tearing them off.

If You’re Dealing With Cat Or Dog Wee

Clean thoroughly using an enzymatic cleaner, then treat the area with white vinegar. Cat’s urine is high in ammonia and needs to be neutralised before it can be removed.

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